KAUST has introduced its second year of the Winter Enrichment Program (WEP) which is an amazing opportunity not only to the Grad students, but to literally every single person living in KAUST.
The WEP may sound like an intimidating academic program, but it actually holds a variety of lessons, which range from Improv Theatre to Beginner Computer Programming. Furthermore, the WEP also focuses on the healthy side of life at KAUST.
The one activity I would like to talk most about in the WEP is the Basketball League.
I'm an avid basketball fan and play all the time at the indoor recreation center on KAUST island, and the WEP has given us an opportunity to sign up teams of 10 and play organised basketball with expert referees against the post-grad students and teachers too. The WEP basketball league is always a great experience, only 1 game a week so it's not time consuming but the fun in playing much older and often much more experienced players is just great.
Other sports leagues the WEP offers: Soccer, Badminton, Squash and others.
The WEP may sound like an intimidating academic program, but it actually holds a variety of lessons, which range from Improv Theatre to Beginner Computer Programming. Furthermore, the WEP also focuses on the healthy side of life at KAUST.
The one activity I would like to talk most about in the WEP is the Basketball League.
I'm an avid basketball fan and play all the time at the indoor recreation center on KAUST island, and the WEP has given us an opportunity to sign up teams of 10 and play organised basketball with expert referees against the post-grad students and teachers too. The WEP basketball league is always a great experience, only 1 game a week so it's not time consuming but the fun in playing much older and often much more experienced players is just great.
Other sports leagues the WEP offers: Soccer, Badminton, Squash and others.